在 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 中的安装ERPNext 笔记 Step by Step
文章目录 | Table of Contents
- ERPnext 简介
- 先决条件
- 安装步骤
- 总结 & 引用
先决条件 | Prerequisites
- Ubuntu 24.04
- A user with sudo privileges
- Python 3.11+
- pip 20+
- MariaDB 10.3.x
- Node.js 18
- Yarn 1.12+
- 2 Process 2 Core
- 4GB ram
- 40GB Storage
- Intenet
安装步骤 | Installtion Steps
- Update and Upgrade Packages
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- Create a New user
sudo adduser **Your-user-name** #Fill in the information as prompted sudo usemod -aG sudo **Your-user-name** su **Your-user-name** #Enter your password cd ~
- Install Git
sudo apt-get install git -y
- Install Python Dependencies
sudo apt-get install python3-dev -y sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools -y sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y sudo apt install python3.12-venv -y
- Install MariaDB and Configuration it
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y sudo apt install mariadb-server -y sudo mysql_secure_installtion
之后请按以下步骤设置- 设置root密码
- 删除 anonymous users
- 允许root 远程登录
- 删除test database
- Reload privilege tables
编辑 MariaDB 配置文件
sudo cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/my.cnf.back sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf #ctrl +x y save sudo systemctl restart mariadb
[mysqld] innodb-file-format=barracuda innodb-file-per-table=1 innodb-large-prefix=1 character-set-client-handshake = FALSE character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci [mysql] default-character-set = utf8mb4
- Install Redis Server
sudo apt-get install redis-server -y
- Install CURL, Node.js, NPM, and Yarn and wkhtmltopdf
#CURL sudo apt install curl #Node js curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash source ~/.profile nvm install 18 #NPM sudo apt-get install npm -y #Yarn sudo npm install -g yarn -y #wkhtmltopdf sudo apt-get install xvfb libfontcofig wkhtmltopdf -y
Setting Up Frappe Bench
- Install Frappe Bench
sudo -H pip3 install frappe-bench --break-system-packages sudo -H pip3 install ansible --break-system-packages
- Initialize Frappe Bench
bench init frappe-bench --frappe-branch version-15 ls cd frappe-bench #change directory permissions chmod -R o+rx /home/**Your-erp-users**
- Create a New site
bench new-site **site-name** #enter you database root password #setings Administrator password
- Install ERPnext APPS
bench get-app payments bench get-app --branch version-15 erpnext bench --site **site-name** install-app erpnext bench use **site-name**
bench --site [site-name] enable-scheduler
- 启用 ERPNext 站点的后台任务调度程序。
- ERPNext 依赖调度程序执行定时任务(如生成报告、发送邮件、处理队列任务等)。
- 如果不启用调度程序,某些功能可能无法正常工作。
bench --site [site-name] set-maintenance-mode off
- 将站点从维护模式切换到正常模式。
- 在维护模式下,站点对普通用户不可用,只有管理员可以访问。
- 关闭维护模式后,站点恢复正常运行,用户可以访问。
- 隐藏内容,VIP可见
- 在生产模式下,ERPNext 通过 Nginx 提供服务,默认使用 HTTP(80 端口)或 HTTPS(443 端口)。
- 你可以直接通过服务器的 IP 地址或域名访问站点,无需指定端口号(如
总结 和 引用 | Conclusion & References
How to Install ERPNext Version 15 on Ubuntu 24.04: A Step-by-Step Guide -
https://syncbricks.com/how-to-install-erpnext-version-15-on-ubuntu-24-04-a-step-by-step-guide/Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9D2wbrC6i8
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当前文章作者名: 小四
当前文章标题: 在 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 中的安装ERPNext 笔记 Step by Step
当前文章地址: https://www.pxecn.net/technology/213.html

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